If you are interested in purchasing chemicals online it is important to know and understand what a Cas number is. A Cas Number, also called a CAS Number or CAS RN, is a unique numeric identification number assigned to each chemical substance described in the standard scientific publication, which includes alloys, non-organic and organic compounds, metals and alloys. Each individual sample of a material is assigned a certain number of these numbers. The idea is to prevent the duplication of materials that share certain properties, while ensuring that the unique chemistry of the sample is made available to buyers.
Standard chemistry works by describing specific mixtures of materials, known as “nonsymmetric” compounds. For example, the 100 most common elements are arranged in a regular four-atom series called a crystal. This sort of property is the result of nonguanis properties. A Cas number, or Cas Number is a number that represents this particular kind of chemical information. Because this type of chemistry is extremely precise and sensitive, it is essential that chemicals and substances are identified and monitored.
There are various ways in which buyers and suppliers can access this type of data, and they include multiple databases, websites, and publications. There is no standard method of storing this information, but there are several established and respected cataloging organizations that have developed standards and conventions for collecting and assigning the various Cas numbers. When looking to buy chemicals online, it is important to ensure that the site you choose will support the types of databases and publications used by the scientific community. The selection of a web-based cataloging service should be based on several factors, including reputation, availability, accessibility, user friendliness, and versatility.
One of the first things that prospective buyers of chemicals will want to understand is what a Cas number actually is. Basically, it is a number that indicates that a specific substance is a member of a particular group of chemicals. In order for this to be legally accurate, the substances must have been characterized and assigned a number within the laboratory database. However, not all substances can be assigned a number. For instance, pharmaceutical drugs that are specifically marked as “probiotics” cannot be assigned a number, because the chemicals inside them have yet to be identified.
When purchasing chemicals online, buyers will also need to understand how suppliers and inventory managers identify unique chemical substances. In many cases, these specialists will post a code of safety at the point of purchase, indicating to the customer that the chemical is considered safe. In other cases, the details of the code will appear on the customer’s invoice. While both of these options are useful for buyers who need further reassurance about the chemical information of their purchase, identifying unique chemical substances is not solely within the purview of these professionals’ jobs.
The government does not mandate the use of case numbers to describe chemicals, nor does the EPA. Because of this, chemical information managers must perform additional due diligence in order to determine which chemicals warrant a higher level of protection. Chemical identification is just one aspect of chemical safety.
A second area that is of importance to companies that utilize chemicals in their day-to-day operations is the classification of inorganic substances. Generally, inorganic substances are those that do not contain a carbon base, include hydrogen or do not contain sulfur. This includes materials such as plastic, which contains no carbon or sulfur. Although inorganic substances do not require a case number, the same safety principles that apply to organic chemicals do apply to these compounds. Therefore, in cases where purchasing chemicals requires the addition of a case number, these substances should be identified in accordance with what the EPA has advised. Companies should also ensure that the type of inorganic substances they use falls within the scope of their business.
As one can see, determining the correct chemical identification number can be a lengthy and difficult process. This is not only true for on-site facilities, but off-site applications as well. When chemicals require on-site storage, there are a variety of different storage containers for chemicals, as well as different types of safety cabinets or silos. When chemicals are handled or stored off-site, different methods must be employed to identify these substances, as well as different storage containers. As a result, if chemicals require multiple types of safety storage containers, the correct chemical identifier must be used to make the identification.
City Chemical is a producer of chemicals such as: Cuprous Oxide, 1317-39-1, Silicon Tetrabromide, 7789-66-4, Calcium Fluoride, 7789-75-5, Potassium Manganate, 10294-64-1, Silver Iodide, 7783-96-2, Silver Lactate, 128-00-7.
To learn more about City Chemical visit citychemical.com.